Smash y Agujetas .... Spanish terrific and relatively unknown band from the late 60's. Without questions one the best rock bands ever in Spain. The funniest thing is the fusion of Psycodelic Rock and Flamenco... yes, and Flamenco. Smash was an andalucian Rock band from Sevilla... back in the 60's, the band started to play with american pedals and electric guitars that were brought by the american soldiers to Cadiz... where de US have still todays a military base. Agujetas was a classical Flamenco singer. Smash y Agujetas gave birth to a new kind creature... listen to it and brand it yourself:

four new photos

They are great... I didn´t know anaything about this group but I like it... They sound like a mixed between Beatles, Credence Clearwater Revival and Camarón de la Isla... "The Smash" I will remember it...
PD:Some of your pictures are great... Continue with this man...
PD2: Change the link of your page for this other:
Thanks Gabo... Good luck
Ohhh.... man this is the third time that I repeat the song... jajajaja Ehhhhhyyy listen to me... LOOK OUT.... Where were these guys all this time? Fuck I need to listen more songs... GREAT GABONIX
hahaha.. they are great right???
It's not easy to find albums on the net, in case I do i will send you the link brother!!!
Ciao, take care dude!
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